Monday, 2 July 2012

Kent & Sussex Courier:

This is the Internet web page for the Kent & Sussex Courier, it shows all of the stories from around Kent and Sussex, the same as it does in its newspaper version. The web page has many colours on it so that it looks appealing, interesting and exciting to an audience. Adverts are being advertised, yet they have been put in places which fight against the stereotypical conventions of a general newspaper website, instead of putting adverts in places to the side of the main articles and features, they have been put in the middle, yet they have done it in a way which makes it still look neat and tidy. The images used are all mainly long-shots, this is so that you can see the whole of the picture which gives an effect.

The housestyle for the Kent & Sussex Courier is fully consistant throughout all of the pages,all of the text is in a black basic font so it is clear and easy to read, but the hyperlinked pages turn yellow when you hovver over them to show that they are interactive. The title is in the typical convention place, but the webpage is called 'this is Kent' instead of using the name of the newspaper.
Dartford Messenger:

This is the Internet web page for the Dartford Messenger, it shows all of the stories from around Dartford, the same as it does in its newspaper version. It is related to the Kent Messenger and so has all of the same features and interactive elements. The majority of the pictures are mid-shots, but a few are long shots and close-ups.

Just like the Kent Messenger, Dartford Messenger also changes its first house style in to 'Kent Online' as they are both interlinked with each other. The 'Kent Online' house style is consistent throughout all of the other pages, the fonts are all basic and so are easy to read for the audience, the hyperlink text is blue so that it shows clearly how it is interactive. The title is in the left hand top corner as it fits the typical conventions for websites, but the logo is on the right top corner which is against the typical conventions.
Kent Messenger:

This is the Internet web page for the Kent Messenger, it has the  stories and information from around Kent that would be shown within the newspaper itself. It has interactive elements such as ‘Most Read’ stories and ‘Most Commented’ stories, this is helpful as it would be the stories in which the audience would be most interested in reading about. Adverts are also featured for several different companies. The images used are generally mid-shots or close-ups.

The Kent Messenger changes its house style from 'Kent Messenger' to 'Kent Online', although this house style is consistent throughtout the rest of the pages and the title is in the general placement for a web page convention, but the logo is against the typical conventions as it is in the right side. The fonts used are basic and so are easy to read, the hyperlinks are blue so the audience is fully aware that they are the interactive elements.
 Dartford & Swanley News Shopper:

This is the internet web page for the Dartford and Swanley News Shopper, it has the local stories and information that would be shown within the newspaper itself, it has interactive buttons underneath for ‘more stories like this’, so if the audience was interested in a particular story then they could read others which are similar and also read the full story. The text is in a very basic font so that it is clear and easy to read, the titles are green so that it is shown clearly that they are an interactive element to the page. It also features adverts for various companies, interactive polls that can be taken, video clips, weather forecasts, etc… All pictures used are relevant and are generally either close ups or mid shots.
The house style for the website is consistent, the header of the page stays the same, no matter what page you go on to, the fonts, colours, and images are all also coherent. The stereotypical convention for the logo on a website is the top left corner, which is where the News Shopper has theirs.

What is a newspaper website?

What is a newspaper website?
A newspaper website is a webpage on the internet in which it contains information articles and news of current events which are happening, or have happened. Local, international and worldwide newspapers generally would all have a website as it is easy for the audience to view and means that they are able to use the interactive elements which are available, for example: polls, questionnaires, adverts, other pages.