This is the Internet web page for the Kent & Sussex Courier, it shows all of the stories from around Kent and Sussex, the same as it does in its newspaper version. The web page has many colours on it so that it looks appealing, interesting and exciting to an audience. Adverts are being advertised, yet they have been put in places which fight against the stereotypical conventions of a general newspaper website, instead of putting adverts in places to the side of the main articles and features, they have been put in the middle, yet they have done it in a way which makes it still look neat and tidy. The images used are all mainly long-shots, this is so that you can see the whole of the picture which gives an effect.
The housestyle for the Kent & Sussex Courier is fully consistant throughout all of the pages,all of the text is in a black basic font so it is clear and easy to read, but the hyperlinked pages turn yellow when you hovver over them to show that they are interactive. The title is in the typical convention place, but the webpage is called 'this is Kent' instead of using the name of the newspaper.