Saturday 29 December 2012


I have decided to create the evaluation for my work on Prezi, this is the link for it:

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Newspaper Second Page, Final Design

In my newspaper questionaire there was nothing that I was told to change about my second page and so this is still my final design:

I made my own advertisement for inside my newspaper on Microsoft PowerPoint. I made three rectangular boxes and made them each a different shade of blue as blue is a very calm and tranquil colour, it also stands out on the plain page. I then wrote the text in it and chose which fonts would best suit. I then added stars that fade behind the text as the make the advert look more fun and exciting, which is what the advertisement is trying to promote about the youth club.

Newspaper Cover, Final Design

Final newspaper front cover

After making another questionnaire about my final newspaper from cover I discovered that the majority of the answers and feedback told me that I should add a picture in with the main headline to give it more of an effect. I chose to take a picture of a damaged car and used that as the picture. This is now my final design for my newspaper:

For the coupon on the front cover of my newspaper I made sure that it was plain but so that it still stood out on the page. I made it so that it was white as it is clear to see on the red background of the newspaper. The lettering is in STENCIL STD as it is quite a unique font and grabs attention.

To get my main front cover picture, I took a picture of a car that had been smashed in to. I put the picture on to Adobe Photoshop so that I could edit it a bit to make it fit in with my front page. I used the 'burn tool' around the edge of the car so that it became darker and looked like the whole of the background was black, I then saved it and out it on to the cover, because the background of my page is black it looks like the car was the only part of the picture instead of it having a background. I have done this as it gives the effect of looking very professional and it becomes the main focus as there is no longer nothing else in the picture that would be distracting.


This is my final design for my billboard...

I stuck with my first initial idea as that was the most popular one when I handed out my questionnaire, I also took in the advice of all the feedback and changed what was meant to be a main headline, into a slogan. I chose to use this picture as I was able to Photoshop my newspaper front cover on to it, so that it looks as though he is actually reading my newspaper. The slogan is in red as it makes it very prominent on the page and stands out, it also symbolises importance, which is how I want people to see my newspaper as.


I made my newspaper website in Adobe DreamWeaver and this is the link for it:
\\student\JoinedSept2006\TaylorCooper\Media\Media\Newspaper website.html

\\student\JoinedSept2006\TaylorCooper\Media\Media\Newspaper website.html

I decided to listen to what my audience feedback told me, and that was to make my hyper linked page as the page that would be for the weather.

Friday 30 November 2012

Final Designs

These are my final designs that I have created for my newspaper front cover and second page. Whilst making them I took into consideration all of my questionnaire results and the feedback that I received. For my front cover I decided to go with what the feedback told me and kept it all very simple, I took away the small article that was meant to be at the top and replaced it with a coupon instead, not only does this interest the audience as it means that they get a free newspaper, it also keeps most of the attention drawn to the main headline as there is only one other article on the cover to read about. For my second page I also took into consideration the feedback that I received  so I kept it neat and ordered and the main article from the front cover about a Hextable student was carried on the next page, this interests the audience as from reading half of the article on the front cover it makes them want to know what happened next, so by having it on the second page it means they'll be able to find the rest of the story easily. There wasn't much that the audience told me to change, other than instead of having an advertisement next to the information and number for texting in news stories, it should be a picture linked to the information, such as a phone or a person texting in to the number, and so that's what I changed it to. I included the newspaper website in the top of the page as sometimes it is easier for the audience to access the news online, rather than through the newspaper.

Audience Theories

This is the idea that the more violence we see, the less shocked we are by it in real life.
I have had to use this for the picture on the front cover of my newspaper for the story 'HIT BY TEENAGE DRIVER'. I used a picture of only the car that had been in the accident, from the picture you can see the damages that were created upon impact with the child that had been hit, because of desensitisation I would not have been able to publish a picture of the actual accident or of the injured child as it would be too shocking for the audience to see as it is something that they would not be used to seeing.

Cultivation Theories:
This theory tries to prove that we form views and opinions about people over time as a result of exposure to media, and thus people become stereotyped.
I can apply this theory to both main stories on the front cover of my newspaper, but in different ways for both. For the story 'HIT BY TEENAGE DRIVER' I used the common stereotype that teenagers are too young to be able to drive and are also bad drivers, the audience reading this would not be surprised that the driver was a teenager and had hit a child whilst driving