Tuesday 2 October 2012

Billboard Initial Ideas

Newspaper billboard, initial ideas:

This is my first idea, it is a very simple billboard that has one picture covering the background, the picture will be linked with the headline, and the newspaper website address will be in a large and bold font across the bottom of the billboard so that it is visible and easy to read but does not attract too much attention away from the headline.

This is my second idea, it is challenging the stereotypical conventions of a normal newspaper billboard by having the title of the newspaper on the top right hand side, instead of being on the top left. The whole of the background is covered by a picture that is to do with what the major headline is about.

This is my third idea, the whole billboard is advertising the newspapers number that you can text news stories in to. The background is of someone texting which has a small bit of information on top which would tell you the number you can text the stories to.

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