Monday 15 October 2012

Questionnaire Results

Questionnaire results:

These are the results for which newspaper front cover i should create:

The results show that over 60% of the people that I asked agreed that 'Idea 1' would be the best one to create for my front cover.

Some of the feedback I received told me that the audience prefer a more simple and structured front cover as it was more effective and eye catching, rather than one that had a lot of pictures and text around it. The audience also said how the title of the newspaper should be in a red fill as it would make it stand out against the plain background, and as red catches the eye straight away. Most of the feedback told me that I should design the page as I had made my idea look, but some of the improvements that I got told to do were to take away the small article at the top right of the page and put the 'money off' voucher there instead.

These are the results for which newspaper second page i should create:

The results show that over half of the people that I asked agreed that 'Idea 3' would be the best one to create for my second page.

With the feedback that I received it told me that the audience preferred my third idea as it was neat and ordered and the main article from the front cover was carried on the next page. There wasn't much that the audience told me to change, other than instead of having an advertisement next to the information and number for texting in news stories, it should be a picture linked to the information, such as a phone or a person texting in to the number.

These are the results for which newspaper billboard i should create:

The results show that 46.67% of the people that I asked agreed that 'Idea 1' would be the best one to create for my billboard.

With the feedback that I received from the questionnaire the audience preferred Idea 1 as it was a simple billboard but still had enough for it to advertise the newspaper clearly and make it stand out. The only thing that could be improved with it is if the headline that would of been featuring on the right side of the billboard was changed to a slogan instead.

These are the results for which newspaper website page i should create:

The results show that over 46% of the people that I asked agreed that 'Idea 1' would be the best one to create for my newspaper website home page.

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